12 . 12 . 2013

A S S A L A M M U A L A I K U M :)

Hai y'all. Sup bros? Mungkin sudah agak lama Tiqa tak post any entry kann? Muahehe. Sorry, it's not about busy but it's lazy. So, what you guys up to this holiday? My holiday seem to be so bored and nothing great happen.

Actually, I got a lot of things yang Tiqa nak share ni. Firtsly, about...my PAT result. I know PAT result dah lama gila babeng keluar tapi baru hari ni Tiqa nak post. Muahehe. I got 6A1B3C. Not a perfect result but at least I try my best.

When I told my mom about my result, the conversation goes like this.

Me:     Ma, kita dapat 6A1B3C. Hehe.
Mama: Kenapa ada C?

Haha, Tak expect my mom's reaction akan macam tu. Tapi still Tiqa dapat no.1 dalam kelas and keseluruhan tingkatan. Alhamdulillah

What? 6A je dapat no.1? Hahaha. Kau ingat aku sekolah mana? Aku sekolah kat kawasan luar bandar - kawasan kampung. Faham fahamlah kalau keputusan budak sekolah aku macam ni, Wkwkwk.

Second, benda yang Tiqa nak share adalah........Hahaha. Tak tahu. Lol. Tak ada benda yang Tiqa nak cerita lah sekarang.

So, sebenarnya entry kali ni hanyalah SHIT semata. Muahehe. Tiqa share result Tiqa pun because there is a guy asking me about my PAT result. So, sebab tu lah.

Okay. I think I gotta go. Lets make this holiday be a great holiday for us.
P/S : Don't forget to study during this holiday especially FORM 4 student who will take SPM exam next year. wkwkwk.