E n d O f F e b r u a r y

A S S A L A M M U A L A I K U M :)

Hai y'all. Apa khabar? Selamat menjalani bulan March. Rupanya dah masuk March kan? Ehhh, cepatnya masa berjalan. If Imma form 3 or 5 student, Perghh, I'll feel so scare lohh as PMR or SPM is getting near. Ahahaha. And guess what, my ex bobo also will take SPM exam this year. And I just want to wish him good luck :)

Okay, disebabkan long time no post, I'll tell y'all 'bout all things that happen to me this week.

Monday - Nothing special. Just saw my ex-bobo, and he said 'Eh, Atiqah' Haha, okay, lawak okay dia cakap macam tuhh.

Tuesday -  Penat buat latihan untuk Talentime. Haha. And guess what, 'cause no one want to stand front and choose leader, tiba tiba Tiqa kena lead and be their leader. Okay. Tiqa yang set koreograf and harmony kan lagu tuh. Eh, lupa nak mention we all buat lagu Uptown Girl. Hikhokkk

Wednesday - Talentime dayyyy ! Yeahh, Tiqa was so fucking damn scared dorhhhh. Dah lah we all tak cukup waktu latihan. Buat latihan pun cincai boncai. And when the time to perform, you know what we made THE MOST WORSE PERFORMANCE EVER IN THE WORLD. Haha, Chaos atas pentas tuh, Dah lah dengan suara anak buah Tiqa yang sangat sangat sopan. Haha, Can you imagine, others said that " suara Tiqa SAHAJA yang we can heard, Hoho. Baru Tiqa tahu suara Tiqa ni selain lunak, rupanya latang juga, Hohoho * suara lunak tu hanya gurauan semata dan tidak dapat dibuktikan dengan kata semata mata * Okay Tiqa merepek.

Thursday - Nothing happen. Cuma ada waktu rehat tu kan, adalah seorang kakak senior ni she walked beside me and suddenly she sang 'Uptown Girl'. Lepas Tiqa dengar, Tiqa terus tutup telinga, then, she and her friends laugh. Haha. "Okay, kau kenakan aku, tak apa tak apa. At lease aku berani buat persembahan atas pentas walaupun teruk" Hoho.

Friday - Waktu english class, teacher ada buat spelling test tau, and she give us 30 words. Can y'all guess Tiqa dapat berapa? Haha, Tiqa got only 14 over 30. Haha. Okay, tak dinafikan, Tiqa tak lah bijak sangat spelling ni. Okay, waktu rehat pula, Tiqa jumpa ex-bobo. But when he just saw me, he looked other side and say nothing. Dia just wat don no. Haha. Okay. Up to you lah bobo.

Saturday / today - Kursus kepimpinannnnnn ! The most bored day ever. Haha. Okay, Tiqa gelak, happy waktu kat sekolah tapi sebenarnya I just feel so lost today. I don't know why maybe because of the little pain in my heart Haha, Okay if people still don't get me, actually Tiqa ni jenis yang mudah memaafkan, TAPI SANGAT SUSAH MELUPAKAN dan suka menyimpan dendam. Hikhokkkkkk.

Okay, one more thing, tadi waktu kat sekolah, Tiqa tanya seorang hudak form 3 ni, "Muka tu dengan muka akak lain sangat ke" Muka tu refers kepada gambar budak 8A yang digantung di dalam foyer sekolah. Opsss, gambar Tiqa lah tu, "Eh, akak dapat 8A ke? Lain, gambar tu nampak muka tu putih sikit" Haha. Bodos kan budak ni? Tak reti nak jaga hati orang lain ke apa. Sakit hati gila siakkkkk. Aku rasa nak lipat mulut budak ni. Ye pun, tak payah lah nak perli aku yang HITAM MANIS niyhhhhh !

Okay. Gotta go. My computer just detect trojan horse in my computer. Lol. Tiba tiba jadi takut ! Warghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!